Kamis, 14 Maret 2019

Description of people

Nama : Vivi oktavia
Nim    : 1710301060
Class   : 4B1 physiotherapy
Lecturer : Wahyu tejo

Jum'at 15 march 2019..

Fadila's is my best friend, she is a good person . She is also very humble, and the most important thing is that he is maintaining her image. She also has many friends. Beside that she is also friendly, iam happy to be friends with her. She is always there under any circumtances. Iam very comfortable when chatting with her. She is 20 years old she is of international relations student. Iam very happy to meet her ^-^.

Object description

Name : Vivi oktavia 
Nim : 1710301060
Class: 4B1 Physiotherapy 
Lecturer: Wahyu tejo

this time I chose my bag as the object I discussed today ^-^.

Name:vivi oktavia(1710301060) Class:4b1 physiotheraphy Lecturer: mr.wahyu tejo mulyo